Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Why WLS?

I am one of those girls who look at people who have had weight-loss surgery as cheaters, imposters, easy-way-outers.  When they post photos of their weight-loss, to me it feels like a student drawing an extra line on an “F” paper to make it look like an “A”.  Not real.  I may smile and tell them they look great, and in my head I’m thinking, “You’re going to stretch that sucker out and gain it all back.”  And “This is why you’re fat in the first place, because you won’t just eat right and exercise!” I am not proud of this, but it’s the truth. 

So why am I getting it done?  Because I can’t do this anymore.  

Every other time I thought of getting bariatric surgery, it was no more than a fleeting thought.  I am a big wimp when it comes to anything medical.  I hate getting my teeth cleaned.  I pass out when I get my blood drawn.  So the thought of signing up to have someone cut me open didn’t really appeal to me.  And really for what?  So you can’t eat so much….well, how about you skip the surgery and just don’t eat so much??  So that’s what I would do.  And it would work great! Every time!  I can drop 30 pounds no problem.  Almost as easily as I gain it back.  Which I do. Every time. Every.Time. 

I don’t mind eating healthy.  But I have a problem with food.  An addiction.  And that is truly the scariest part of this whole thing for me.  Will I have this surgery and just do what I have done all along?  Lose and then gain?  Only this time instead of 30 pounds, it will be 130 pounds?  Will I stretch that sucker right out?  What’s to stop me from doing just that?  Right now I know I’m full and I tell myself to stop eating…but I don’t.  So what makes me think I will stop eating when I’m full after the surgery?  Or worse than stretching it, what if I bust the staples because I won’t stop eating?  

What scares me even more is not having the chance to bust the staples…because what if I don’t even make it out of surgery?  What if something horrible happens during or after and I die?  That’s a huge fear of mine.  And even though the chances are slim….there is still a chance.  

So why am I getting it done?  Because I can’t do this anymore.

This is not a life.  I am truly miserable.  I am so miserable that I push every other wonderful thing (and there are a lot of them) into the background.  I am so sad and depressed.  I am not a good wife because I have zero energy to clean, cook, play.  I am not a mother because I have obesity related health problems.  Sometimes I look at the life I have created and want to erase myself from it.  I want a do-over.  So if I die in this surgery or because of it, then at least I died in an attempt to be a better wife, mother, friend, human. 
Right now I don’t have health insurance but we are enrolling in it so it will be effective in January.  It’s going to be so expensive.  About $550 a month total for both of us.  About $350 of that is just for me. That comes out to $4200 a year.  So as long as I get the surgery, that is really a bargain.  (I will still have at least another $1000 in copays I’m sure, but that’s still not bad.)  I just hope I can get it done this year and don’t run into any road blocks.  

I am taking the first step next Thursday, November 21st and going to a seminar.  I am really lucky that one of the BEST surgeons in the world for bariatric surgery is in my area.  He has been on Oprah and teaches other surgeons all around the world how to improve their methods.  So, really I have the best person to do the surgery.  That also played a huge role in my decision to do it.  My plan is to try to schedule an appointment for January 2nd (the first day they are open in 2014 when my insurance will be active).  I want to get the ball rolling.  

In the meantime, I am going to make sure I have the best chances for a safe surgery by being in the best health possible.  I have been exercising.  I want to have a strong heart and lungs.  Well, here we go.  I can’t wait!  For the first time in a long time, I feel HOPE…hope that I have a chance at something better than THIS.

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